Beiträge von Limit

    Hallo zusammen,

    eine ganz große Bitte an euch:

    Da wir Admins nicht immer wissen, wer sich genau hinter welchem Nickname verbirgt und wir verschiedene versteckte Bereiche für einzelne Gruppen habe,
    schreibt mir bitte ein PM mit folgenden Angaben:

    Abteilung: Pilot / Deckhand / Marine bzw. Zivilist

    Herzliche Grüße

    Ich habe sogar Kreditkarten und einen Führerschein ;)

    Seitens der Orga bzw. Akademie wird es ID-Cards geben. Personalausweise werden wir keine ausgeben,
    die kann jeder für sich selbst erstellen.

    Leto: Noch keine Post vom Colonial Ministry of Defense bekommen?

    *och* Am schönsten war der Kommentar an der Tankstelle. (Ich war zu faul mich umziehen und dann kostete der Diesel 1,04 - da musste ich tanken^^^)

    Der Typ hinter mir meinte: "Das ist aber keine Viper"
    Ich dreh' mich um: "Stimmt. Flugverbot wegen Vulkanasche."

    *hach* Hat der blöd geguckt ;D

    Und die Abteilungskürzel an Bord von Battlestars:

      [li]ADMIN (Administration) = Verwaltung[/li]
      [li]AMD (Aircraft Maintenance Divison) = Flugzeugtechnik[/li]
      [li]AIR ( Air Department) = Flugbetrieb, Chef ist der Airboss bzw. der LSO[/li]
      [li]DECK (Deck Division) = "Seemännische" Abteilung[/li]
      [li]CHENG = Chief Engineer, Chef des ENG (Engineering Department, Schiffstechnik)[/li]
      [li]CSD (Combat Systems Division) = Waffensysteme[/li]
      [li]CAW ( Carrier Air Wing) = Fluggeschwader[/li]
      [li]LEGAL ( Legal Department) = Rechtsabteilung[/li]
      [li]MEDICAL (Medical Department) = Medizinische Abteilung[/li]
      [li]MARDET ( Marine Department) = Die Marines halt ^^ & Schiffssicherheit[/li]
      [li]NAV (Navigation Department) = Astrogation[/li]
      [li]OPS (Operations Department) = Einsatzzentrale[/li]
      [li]SUPPLY (Supply Department) = Nachschub[/li]
      [li]WEPS ( Weapons Department) = Waffen[/li]

    Damit ihr die Mädels und Jungs in den feschen grünen Anzügen auch versteht, gibt es hier eine kurze Übersicht der gängigsten Abkürzungen und Begriffe.
    ( <<<SL-Ansage>>> Keine Sorge: Niemand muss die lesen und lernen, es ist nur für das Ambiente)

    * AAA: Anti-Aircraft Artillery. Also "Triple-A" or "flak;" heavy version of the AA gun, often mounted on a Battlestar or Baseship. Can also be employed by ground forces. - The Cerberus and Corsair have a Triple-A ring running at two miles. Stay out of it.

    * AAM: Air-to-Air Missile. In BSG, the missiles are dual-purpose so the term is interchangeable. - I fired an AAM and exited the combat zone.

    * AANCH: All Afterburner, No Compass Heading. Moving a lot with nothing being accomplished. - The new Lieutenant is All Afterburner with No Compass Heading.

    * ACM: Air Combat Maneuvering. - We were performin' some serious ACM on that Op yesterday.

    * AGL: Above Ground Level. Measure of a plane's altitude above the terrain it is flying over. In other words, a plane maybe be flying at 1,500 ft. ASL, but be only 500 ft. off the ground. - We ingressed to the Raptor crash site at about two-thousand AGL.

    * AGM: Air-to-Ground Missile. In BSG, the missiles are dual-purpose so the term is interchangeable. - I fired an AGM and exited the combat zone.

    * AGS: Aircraft Generation Squadron. The crew chiefs and everyone else involved in the day to day business of sortie generation. In BSG, this would be the Deck Department. AKA: Aint Generating Shit, Aint Got Shit. - Hey Chief! How's the AGS today?

    * Alpha Mikey Foxtrot: Pronounced phonetic alphabet for AMF. Salutations to someone/something the pilot doesn't like. Stands for 'Adios Motherfrakker.'

    * AoA: Angle of Attack. Aerodynamic angle formed between the chord of an airfoil and the direction of the relative wind. Explained Here - I was about eighty degrees AoA when I squeezed off the rounds into the Raider.

    * ASE: Aircraft Survivability Equipment. An aircraft's defensive systems (RWR, jammers, chaff, and flares). - The Raider popped off a missile but my ASE worked.

    * AWACS: Airborne Warning And Control System. Pronounced 'A-Whacks.' Aircraft fitted with long-range radar that provide tactical and target information to air and ground control units. Usually extremely high priority, both to defend and to attack. In the world of BSG, Raptors would fill this role with their high-powered DRADIS systems and FTL drives. Aircraft (not players) with this specific role are often given callsigns such as Warlock, Zeus, Hightower, etc. - Looks like the Raptors going to be playin' AWACS for us today.


    * Bandit: Dogfight adversary positively identified as a bad guy. Hostile aircraft. (see: Gomer) - Bandits! One o'clock high!!

    * Barn: A hangar. The Deck/BSG. - Alright, everyone back to the barn.

    * Bogey: Unidentified aircraft. - Cerberus, Switchfoot Lead. You've got a single Bogey at your 3 o'clock, 20 miles.

    * Boards: Speed brakes. - Pop your boards to force an overshoot.

    * BARCAP: Barrier Combat Air Patrol. Fighters form a "barrier" to prevent enemy aircraft from entering a designated airspace or approaching a friendly target. Generally set up along most probable corridor of approach, often involves fighter relays. - Today's tasking has us on our normal BARCAP with two Vipers per team, in four teams, watching for Bandits.

    * Bear: The Electronic Warfare Officer (EWO), the GIB. Refers to pilots opinion that a trained bear can replace the GIB. Can be used to describe the ECO in the BSG world. Can be used as an insult or in the affectionate. - Hey Bear, whats the story with that DRADIS?

    * Bingo: 1. Minimum fuel for a comfortable and safe return to base. Aircraft can fly and fight past bingo fuel in combat situations, but at considerable peril. 2. Can also refer to any zero condition. - The Lt. is bingo leadership.

    * Bitching Betty: The female voice which is the voice warning system in the Vipers and Raptors. Also known as Betty. - I took a few rounds to the wing and Betty wouldn't shut up about the stab failure.

    * Behind the Power Curve: Not keeping up with expectations. Technically, any airspeed less than that for the maximum lift-to-drag ratio, which is that portion of the power curve (a graphical plot of engine power vs. aircraft speed) at which the aircraft requires more power to go slower in steady level flight. - Airman Jones is way behind the power curve.

    * Blind: Unable to see your wingman/leader. - Viper Six-One, this is Viper Six-Two. I'm blind your location.

    * Bought the Farm: Died. Originated from the practice of the government-reimbursing farmers for crops destroyed due to aviation accidents on their fields. The farmers, knowing a good thing when they see it, would inflate the value of lost crops to the point that, in effect, the mishap pilot bought the farm. Student pilots regularly practice emergency landings to farmers fields. This is a term used exclusively by pilots, for pilots (or someone the pilots hold dear). - Did you hear? Lieutenant Goober bought the farm last night. Raiders jumped him while he was solo.

    * Box Office: Formerly known as the Cockpit. Renamed by Female Pilots. - I was gettin' into the Box Office when the Chief grabbed me.

    * BVR: Beyond Visual Range. - No joy on the Raiders, Cerberus. They're still BVR.


    * CAP: Combat Air Patrol. Pronounced like it sounds. Cruising at medium-to-high altitude over a certain area in search of enemy planes. This is improperly used in the BSG universe. CAP's are performed at range from "Home." The "CAP" that Adama keeps around the fleet is actually a BARCAP. - We're going to jump back to the Colonies, launch Vipers, and have them perform a CAP around Picon Fleet Headquarters.

    * CAG: Commander, Air Group. Pronounced like it sounds. This person is the ranking officer and leader of the Air Wing. The title is given regardless of rank. Technically, a Lieutenant JG could be the CAG. However it is generally a position bestowed upon Captains and Majors. Also worth noting is that CAG's have no requirement to be Viper pilots. Raptor pilots and ECO's may hold this position as well. - The CAG is Captain Bumblenuts.

    * Carrier Landings: Drinking game wherein shit faced pilots, GIBs and the occasional crew chief would leap unto a greased platform, a table or (even better) the bar and try to catch the wire. The wire is a rope or other suitable restraint (Ive seen ties used). The object is to slide under the wire and hook it with uplifted calves. Hint: Ice works pretty good to lube the deck. - Okay sticks! Lets separate the drunks from the losers. Time for Carrier Landings!!

    * CAS: Close Air Support. Dropping bombs/firing missiles in support of ground troops also known as an air strike, MUDCAP. Pronounced how it sounds. - The Marines are pinned by about fifty cylons surrounding their position. We're going to go in and provide CAS.

    * Charlie Foxtrot: This is the phonetic alphabet for CF. CF is a quick way of saying 'Clusterfrak.' - "That CAP yesterday was a complete Charlie Foxtrot thanks to the Rook."

    * Check Six: Visual observation of the rear quadrant, from which most air-to-air attacks can be expected. Refers to the clock system of scanning the envelope around the aircraft; 12 oclock is straight ahead, 6 oclock is directly astern. Also a common salutation and greeting among tactical pilots. Keep an eye on your behind, be careful. - Hey Ensign, check six. The Major is looking for you and he's pissed.

    * Crew Dog: The crew chief, the person responsible for the day to day condition of the aircraft. - Hey Crew Dog. How's the Deck tonight?

    * Cold Shot: Real aircraft carriers and Battlestars both use catapults to launch aircraft to take-off speed. This is more relevant a Viper in order to make sure that the Viper isn't a slow moving target when it leaves the tube. A 'Cold Shot' is a catapult failure of varying magnitudes. It is called out by either the Launch Officer or the Viper pilot to indicate that something is wrong during launch down the tube.

    * Conehead: Electronic specialists. - Call the Coneheads, the DRADIS is frakked-up again.

    * CM: Countermeasures. Used by airborne vehicles in defense against air-to-air or SAM weapons (chaff, flares, and jammers). - Missile inbound! Dump CM and break right!

    * Colonial Navy Form 1: Toilet Paper. AKA: CNF1


    * Dirty: Aircraft configured for landing with gear and flaps down. - Cerberus, Viper Two-Four. Dirty.

    * Doofer: Generic name for symbols on the HUD and other mysterious lights associated with the avionics package. - We were in that furball and a doofer distracted me. Nearly got me killed.

    * Drag: Force that counteracts an object in motion through the air, such as air resistance. - The new CAG is a total drag.


    * ECM: Electronic Countermeasures. Countermeasures that use the electromagnetic spectrum to confuse or defeat enemy radar and sensor systems. - Raptors, lets get the ECM cookin'.

    * ECO: Electronic Countermeasures Officer. Backseater in a Raptor. AKA: Bear


    * FAC: Pronounced like it sounds. It stands for Forward Air Controller. Essentially this is someone on the ground who is a professional at coordinating aircraft overhead to provide CAS for the troops.

    * Fangs Out: An aircraft in the attack. - He rolled in Fangs Out.

    * Flight Suit Insert: A pilot. AKA: Stick Actuator, Drag in a Bag and Stick-Throttle Interconnect, and Zipper Suited Sun Gods.

    * FNG: Frakking New Guy. - Hey CAG, who's the FNG?

    * FOD: Foreign Object Damage. A constant concern on airfields and carrier decks where jet engines operate. Jet intakes can ingest loose objects, and even the smallest item a rock, a bolt can seriously damage jet turbine blades. Since it was commonly used as a noun, I found some FOD on the ramp. the term Foreign Object Debris is commonly used.

    * Fox 1: Radar guided missile shot. - Torch, Fox One!

    * Fox 2: Infra-Red Homing Missile shot. - Torch, Fox Two!

    * Fox 3: Unguided missile shot. AKA: Mad Dog - Torch, Fox Three! Fox Three!

    * Furball: A confused aerial engagement with many combatants. Several aircraft in tight ACM. - That furball was pretty intense. Might have to change shorts.


    * GIB: Guy in Back. Pronounced how it sounds. Slang term for EWO, WSO, RIO, and ECO. (See Bear) - Hey GIB! What's the news?

    * Gimble: The automatic meatball on the ILS that tells a pilot how high or low off the glideslope they are. - The gimble's busted again, Chief.

    * Going to Guns: Switching to cannon. Assuming leadership. Taking control of any situation. - Viper Six-Four! Guns Guns Guns!!

    * Gomer: Slang for a dogfight adversary, the usage stemming from the old Gomer Pyle television show. - Damned Gomer wouldn't stop maneuvering.


    * HMFIC: The Head Motherfrakker in Charge. - Who's the HMFIC around here?

    * Hands-On Approach: A landing conducted only by hand and without the aid of on-board guidance packages. (BSG Only) - Viper One-Four, Cerberus. You're cleared into the break for a hands-on approach.

    * Hangar Queen: An aircraft that suffers chronic downs; hangar queens are often pirated for spares for the squadrons other aircraft (the queens ejection seats are especially well preflighted). - What's the hanger queen leaking today?

    * Head on a Swivel: Keeping an eye peeled for an ACM adversary; also called doing the Linda Blair, for the 360-degree head rotation in the movie The Exorcist. - Pilots, keep your head on a swivel and watch for them to jump in behind us.

    * High Alpha: A term used to describe something happening at a high Angle of Attack (See AoA). A guns kill, missile shot, something breaking. - I was pretty high alpha when I squeezed the trigger.

    * Hop: A flight. A taxi run. Generic term for leaving the ship in your own aircraft. - Wanna run as my Bear this hop?

    * HUD: Heads-Up Display. Pronounced like it sounds. Glass mounted at the front of the cockpit. The pilot looks forward through the glass, and important combat and flight information is reflected onto the HUD and superimposed over his view of the outside world. - I was staring at the cylon right out my HUD while we were firing.

    * IFF: Identification Friend or Foe. A coded message sent to a target's IFF transponder. - IFF lists those bogies as having Colonial Transponders!

    * ILS: Instrument Landing System. A radio device at airfields that assists pilots in low-visibility landings. In BSG, this can be used to describe a Battlestars automated flight landing system. - ILS is busted again.

    * In Hot: Moving-in on the attack. Getting ready for a fight. - Black Squadron, weapons armed! You're cleared hot!

    * IR: Infrared. Range of the electromagnetic spectrum where a signal's intensity is directly related to its heat signature. - I was picking up a serious IR signature off the planet.


    * Jammer: Electronic countermeasure that emits microwaves to distort/confuse enemy radarscopes. - We're being jammed!

    * Jig: Lieutenant (Junior Grade) - Hey Jig, what's happenin'?

    * Jink: To maneuver violently to avoid a threat. - I jinked to ditch that SAM.

    * Judy: Radio call signaling that your quarry is in sight and you are taking control of the intercept. - Darkstar, Judy, Judy. Im going in for guns.


    * Kick the Tires and Light the Fires: Formerly, to bypass or severely shorten the required routine of physically inspecting the aircraft prior to flight. Currently meaning Lets get this aircraft preflighted and outta here pronto!

    * Knock It Off: Cease maneuvering (as in BFM or ACM). Any pilot can call this at any time during training exercises for an emergency, but will be asked about it later. Only the CAG or squadron leader may call this in an actual engagement. - We're getting chewed-up! All Vipers, knock it off!! Back to the barn!


    * Leading: Refers to aiming just ahead of an enemy's flight path or a management technique seen on occasion. - I was leading the cylon a little too much and my rounds missed.

    * Lights Out: Radar/DRADIS off. - All Vipers, lights out!

    * LPA: Lieutenant Protection Association. In the world of BSG, this would be known as the Chiefs and Petty Officers on the Flight Deck. - Welcome to the LPA, sir. Time to pay dues. We'll take Colonial Express, beer, and ambrosia as your form of payment.


    * Mad Dog: An unguided missile. - Toast, Mad Dog! Mad Dog!

    * MUDCAP: An Air to Ground Mission. Aka, CAS. - We were doing MUDCAP for some Marines.

    * Mud Mission: Any air to ground strike or bombing mission. - We were doing a Mud Mission for some Marines.

    * Music: Electronic jamming intended to deceive radar. When starting the jamming, the call would be "Raptor Six-Four, Music On!"

    * My Fun Meter is Pegged: Sarcastic comment for I am not enjoying this any more.


    * No Joy: Failure to make visual sighting; or inability to establish radio communications. - Cerberus, CAG. I am no joy on our bandits.

    * Nylon Letdown: Ejection and subsequent parachute ride. - Took a hit in atmo and had to take the Nylon Letdown.


    * Opportunity to Excel: A disagreeable job without the time or resources to properly complete. Often accompanied by YGBSM. - Parker, here's an opportunity to excel: I need you to pre-flight all the Vipers on your own in 20 minutes.


    * PK factor: Probability of Kill factor. Given in tenths and measured in percents. If a missile has a PK Factor of .85, then the chance that the target will be killed is 85%. - Our missiles have a PK in atmo of nearly point-nine-three.

    * Punch Out: To eject from an aircraft. To leave. - This party is dead. Lets punch out.


    * RCS: Radar Cross-Section. How large your aircraft appears on Radar/DRADIS and subsequently how easy it is to detect. Has to do with reflection of radio waves. - The Raptors have a bigger RCS than a Viper because they're so frakkin' bulky.

    * RTB: Originally known as Return to Base. Can be used as Return to Barn/Battlestar. - Cerberus, Black Lead. We are RTB at this time.

    * RWR: Radar Warning Receiver. Aircraft device that warns the pilot if he is being tracked by an enemy missile guidance system or air intercept radar. - RWR is screaming! Where's the Bandit?!


    * SAM: Surface-to-Air Missile. - SAM Launch! Break and bust CM!

    * Sandy: Radio callsign of aircraft providing Close Air Support during a Search and Rescue operation. A flight of four aircraft during that type of operation would be known as Sandy-11, Sandy-12, Sandy-13, and Sandy-14. Said as One-Two, One-Three, etc. Nobody says thirteen.

    * SAR: Search and Rescue. Pronounced like it sounds. - SAR bird is inbound.

    * Sierra Hotel: Phonetic abbreviation for shit hot, high praise; the pilots favorite and all-purpose expression of approval. - Sierra Hotel!! Nice shot, Booger!

    * Speed of Heat: Very, very fast. - We egressed the target at the Speed of Heat.

    * Static Display: Aircraft on display as at an air show. Inactive or worthless. - Airman Jones is on Static Display.

    * Stall: "Loss of lift" condition that occurs when the angle of attack is too steep for the airfoil to provide any lift. During a stall, the normally streamlined flow of air over the blade is disrupted. - I didn't have enough throttle when we broke atmo and started to stall.

    * Swap Paint: Euphemism for a mid-air collision. - Viper Lead, Viper Six-Four. Two-Three and I swapped paint. Knock it off. Knock it off.


    * Throttle Back: To slow down, take it easy. - Throttle back before your mouth gets you put in the brig.

    * Thrust: Horizontal, directional force that overcomes drag and powers the aircraft in the desired direction. - Input thrust, Ensign. You're too slow.

    * Touch and Go's: Repeatedly falling asleep in a meeting or a class while trying desperately to stay awake. After nodding off, the person's head will dip forward almost to his chest, whereupon he will snap back into a very brief state of semi-consciousness and repeat the process. Named after practice landings where the aircraft descends, briefly touches down while still rolling forward, and quickly becomes airborne again. - I was so exhausted during that debriefing, I was all Touch and Go's.


    * Wave Off: A pilot blew their landing and this instruction will come from the LSO. It instructs the pilot to terminate their landing attempt and go around again. May also be used to warn someone of impending disaster. "You might want to wave off from that Lieutenant, man. She ain't stable."

    * Whiskey Charlie: Phonetics for Who cares.

    * Winchester: Out of ammo. You shot up all your good stuff. - Viper Lead, Viper Two-Four. I'm Winchester. RTB.

    * Wingman: Second pilot in a two-plane formation. Responsible for ensuring that his leaders six oclock remains clear. Your Buddy. - Youre my wingman tonight, right?

    * WSO: Weapons Systems Officer. US Navy term for back-seat weapons and targeting systems operators. Pronounced 'Wizzo.' (See Bear, GIB) - Hey Slick, who's your WSO for this hop?


    * YGBSM: Stands for "You've Gotta Be Shitting Me!!!" Commonly seen on unit patches where said unit typically has an impossible tasking. Began with the F-100 Wild Weasel pilots during the Vietnam War. Can be used in daily speech.


    * Zero-Dark-Thirty: Technically a half-hour after midnight, but commonly used to describe any event that is scheduled to take place after midnight and before sunrise. In the BSG world, this would be anytime "after hours" on the ship. - What's with the exercises at Zero-Dark-Thirty lately??

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    Der Shark Repellant ist ja geil! Was ist da drin? Knoblauch? *lol*

    Tote Haie ;) (Wirklich 8) )

    Die Ausrüstung ist selbstverständlich ein "Kann" - kein Muss. Man kann das nicht oft genug betonen. Trotzdem freue ich mich sehr über die Detailfreudigkeit mit der hier ans Werk gegangen wird.
    Das "Shark Repellant" in der Notfallausrüstung eines Spionagepiloten, der hauptsächlich über der UdSSR und der VRC eingesetzt wurde, enthalten ist finde ich bemerkenswert. Vor allem wenn man bedenkt wie viele Haie es in der sibirischen Tundra gibt ;D

    Ich persönlich fände es allerdings merkwürdig das ganze Geraffel in einem geschlossenen Gebäude mit mir herum zu schleppen. ^^